Frequently Asked Questions

How do I set-up an appointment?

You can call, email, or fill out a contact form for a complementary 15-minute phone consultation to see if I’d be a helpful match for your needs. During this call, I’ll answer any questions, and figure out scheduling. Upon scheduling, I will send you an email with instructions for the initial paperwork and send an additional email from the Theranest HIPAA compliant client portal to fill out the paperwork. If I do not work within your areas of needs, have any openings, or meet your appointment times needs, I will provide you with trusted referrals to check out in the area.

How long are therapy appointments and how often do we meet?

Generally our sessions are 45-50 minutes unless you request extended appointments. The initial appointment is 60 minutes to establish goals, discuss background information, and establish a treatment plan. For minors, I meet with parents first for the intake evaluation. Note: For clients in Washington, I will meet with your teenager first starting at the age of 13 as they have the rights to consent. If they agree, I will meet with parent(s) or guardian(s) as well.

Session frequency can vary depending on needs, severity and duration of struggles, and availability to schedule. Typically clients attend sessions weekly or bi-weekly. Weekly is best to be able to establish a therapeutic relationship for at least the first 4-6 session . Bi-weekly is usually scheduled when struggles are more in a maintenance area and you are making progress; however, sometimes that is what fits best for the client with what they are able to do. Once clients have met goals, some clients continue on a monthly check-in basis or come as needed for tune-up.

How long will I be in therapy?

I believe my job is ultimately to work myself out of a job to teach you the skills to navigate through stressors in your life. There is no guarantee on how long you will be in therapy as a number of factors influence the duration of therapy. Factors include goals, motivation for change, severity and duration of struggles, ability to maintain consistency of attending appointments, and follow through on suggestions in therapy.

Do you accept insurance?

I am in-network with PacificSources and out-of-network with all other insurance companies . If you are not in-network with PacificSource and want to use your out-of-network benefits, I can provide a superbill with all the information that insurances need for you to submit claims for possible reimbursement. Please be aware that I am required to put your diagnosis on the superbill as needed information for the claim. Insurance can reimburse from 30-80% and sometimes all of the costs depending on your plan’s benefits. It is important to check with your insurance company to see if you have any of out-of-network benefits. For any questions regarding filing for out-of-network benefits or billing related matters, please get in touch with Rebecca Walker at (318) 932-1463.

I accept cash, check, debit cards, credit cards, Health-Savings Account (HSA,) and Flex Spending Account (FSA). Please be mindful that I have a 24-hour cancellation policy to avoid a cancellation fee.

Do you offer online or in-person counseling services.

In Vancouver, WA area, I am offering in-person walk-and-talk therapy services at a local park in the Spring through Fall or in an office during the winter season, and online counseling services. In Washington and Texas, I am offering online counseling services.

I’m a parent or legal guardian bringing my child to therapy. When do I talk to the therapist?

I will meet with you regularly about every 4-6 sessions to discuss your child. You may also request to schedule a time with me privately if anything of importance or concern comes up that needs to be addressed between sessions. There are also parent check-in forms in the waiting room that you can fill out during sessions with your child that can keep me updated and options to let me know if you’d like for me to give you a call. You can call me or message me on the client portal in between as well. Note: For clients in Washington starting at the age of 13, please be aware this is dependent on your teenager as they do have the rights to consent.

My child goes to school during the day. What if you do not have an after school appointment available?

It can be a hit or miss when after school appointments are available for all therapists. If your child does have to miss school for appointments, I can write them a school note to be excused from school. It can also help to find a try to find a time that it does not impact them as much such as during lunch, the beginning of the day, the end of day, or an elective hour. Clients are welcome to bring their lunch to sessions. If we have to start session in a non-preferred time during school hours, I will put your child on a waiting list for the preferred time.